Home » Who I am » Starting Over ~ Like it or not!

Starting Over ~ Like it or not!

I will add to this section but I thought I’d give a brief introduction of myself.

My name is Cheryl Blazej and I am an ordinary person ~ have a family that I love, own a business that I started from scratch and friends that mean the world to me. In 2011 my life was going on very comfortably…..

Life Changes Quickly….

May 2011 was one that my husband Otis & I looked forward to, our  “baby” Christopher was graduating from high school and getting ready to leave home & hopefully play college football, business was going well. Life was better than normal!

Two days after high school graduation my husband & best friend died while taking a nap. We found him after he hadn’t come downstairs & shock happened. At that moment I felt a sadness for Otis, not being on this earth any longer, experiencing all that he loved and I knew it was the beginning of a VERY different life for me & Christopher.  I never thought I’d be alone at this point of my life, that Christopher would not have his dad anymore ~ I thought our life would go on unchanged, work, taking care of Christopher & do our normal fun things we had planned, like the trip to Hawaii we’d been discussing. Then “it” happened, real life smacked me in the face, nothing that I could change, I had NO control, what was happening???


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