April 4 – The Unexpected

Today I’m not writing about food or exercise, today I’m writing because it was such a tough day. It started like any other day, going to the office, preparing for a couple conference calls, etc. and then I got a phone call that changed the entire momentum of the day. I received a call that my friends thirteen year old son was run over by a car during spring break in Miami & he died. I couldn’t process the words I was hearing, I heard “died” but I still just kept repeating “Oh My God” & are you sure. My friend on the other end of the line said yes, I’m sure. After we discussed how we could comfort my friend & her family members  I just sat there. I couldn’t think, all I could do was cry. I cried for the loss of an innocent thirteen year old boy that had his entire life in front of him & he surely did ~ smart, cute, athletic & a boys boy! I cried as a parent that couldn’t imagine losing a child, your first born son! I cried thinking of his sister, the fifth grader that would now become an only child & how  would she handle it. I picked up the phone to hear my son’s voice & he knows me enough that I couldn’t hide my emotions, he was like, Mom, what’s wrong? I told him & he was like, oh no. I felt like we were replaying the loss of my husband, something sudden & unexpected  and you just go numb. I went to see my friend & the family because I just had to, I needed to connect with them & let them know how sorry we are that she has to go thru this. Looking into a mother’s eyes when her child has been taken from her, not because he was ill, not for any reason at all, knowing she is wondering “why” ~ why did this happen? is this a nightmare that I will wake up from soon? All I could do was hug her, her husband, her daughter & all the other family members that were there to comfort them. After I paid my respects I went back to the office & was still numb, still wondering how this could happen & prayed to God that he wrap his arms around this family & keep them safe & warm and to do the same for the young thirteen year old boy that will never come home again.


April 3 ~ Weigh In

Today I met with my nutritionist, Ilana & down another couple pounds which i’m very happy about. I have now lost 68 pounds & feeling better every week. I asked her about some exercise ideas & she is so upfront & honest, giving me a number of ideas. I think I’m going to try some various exercises to give me some cardio & strength workouts ~ I’ve been doing that a lot but I’m going to vary my cardio some ~ will continue to do a lot of spin, but I think I’m going to add the Elliptical and Treadmill into the mix. My trainer gave me “homework” to do at home that doesn’t require any machines, so I will add that as well.

I see a dim light as I go thru this “tunnel” of change & adapt a new way of life. It is a struggle sometimes, but I want my health & a long life! I like that my doctor’s are impressed by the changes that they see & the test results that show just how much the weight loss & exercise has helped me. I like that my clothes are baggy & that I’ve been able to donate over six bags to Goodwill with another two bags ready to go. 

This journey is not easy, but with all the love & support I feel around me I believe I can do it & succeed with my plans. If you doubt you can do it, think of taking one step at a time ~ it might be giving up soda or walking to the end of the block & back ~ whatever it is…take that first step ~ I did & changed MY life!!

April 2, 2013 ~ Friends

Today was a wonderful day that I was able to share with some wonderful people. Since I’ve opened myself up to others my life has taken such a positive turn. I find myself happy & enjoying my life in a way I never thought possible.

During the day I shared a great day with friends at a client site followed by a great workout with my trainer, Ari. She showed me some new ab and hip routines that I can do at the gym and at home. I followed the training session with a 45 minute spin class that was tough, but well worth it. The spin instructor, Amy is an example of a person that I’ve been lucky enough to now call a friend! The evening ended with our “Spin Chicks” going out to dinner – talking & laughing for a good two hours! 

As I said yesterday, get out & don’t be afraid of the gym ~ you will make life long friends there ~ be open to it, I KNOW I’m glad I did!


April 1st – The Gym

Hello Everyone!

I’ve been absent lately due to accounting season, but I decided I had to reach out! Over the past few months I’ve started planning for a number of new adventures in the health field & will be announcing many new things this month.

Today though I wanted to touch on “The Gym” ~ I posted on my “Starting Over” Facebook Fan Page how I HATED going to the gym & just felt uncomfortable there. It’s funny how over the past six months my whole perception has changed ~ I LOVE the gym & feel “weird” when I don’t go. I have made new friends & keep busy with them – we do social things & it’s opened my life up to so many new adventures & I am HAPPY! 

Please don’t be discouraged if you haven’t been working out or don’t know how to start without feeling out of place ~ everyone has to start somewhere & why not get the benefits of working out & finding some new friends! 


My First 5K

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Good Day Friends ~ I have decided to write a little about the 5K I participated in today.

Of the many challenges I have set for myself one was to try a 5K ~ something I NEVER imagined I’d do! Part of this journey to change my life was to change my fear of the unknown and not allow getting nervous or embarrassed to stop me from trying new things.

One of my awesome friends Dawn told me about the Atlanta Women’s 5K in March & I nervously made the commitment to do it & then I was invited by other friends, Katherine & Penny to do a 5K at our local park. This 5K was to benefit the Sam Robb Fund, a local young athlete that passed away from cancer. He would be just a few years older than my son & it just hit me to give it a try. I was nowhere ready, but I said, “What the hell”! I registered online, paid my fee, sent out donation requests to family, friends & clients then worried about doing this “run” since I NEVER run, not even when I’m on the treadmill. Everyone assured me I could walk the route so I said to myself, just do it & don’t worry so much! Yeah easy to say….

Last night I said I would get my things ready for the morning, I laid out the long workout pants (thank God my sister bought me these for Christmas – I normally wear 3/4 length pants/shorts), one of my normal workout tank tops, Otis’ sweatshirt that I found raiding his closet (i knew it would give me his spirit) & running shoes. I looked at what I’d assembled as I turned the lights out & said, really Cheryl and shook my head.

When the alarm went off I was like, really Cheryl it’s 6:15 Saturday morning and about 32 degrees outside (those that know me know I am NOT a morning person)! I finally got up after hitting the snooze a couple times and put on the clothes I had laid out the night before.

I headed downstairs, put on my running shoes, grabbed my Whey Chocolate Shake I made last night & headed to the park. I was nervous, thinking I didn’t want to embarrass myself & my friends ~ my brain was all over the place ~ like, you are such a baby, just do it, quit complaining, think of it as being with your friends doing something new ~ all these things were going thru my mind & before I knew it I was at the park. As I was getting out of the car I got a text from Penny asking if I was there yet ~ I think she probably thought I might chicken out (hahaha) 🙂

We met & walked to the registration desk together & I was watching all those around me in their professional looking running clothes & I was thinking what the hell am I doing here & then my “other” voice said, helping raise money for cancer & doing something out of your comfort zone. My “normal” voice wanted to slap my “other” voice!

Penny & I registered, got our goody bag & t-shirt that proves I really did attend (laughing in my mind) and waited for our other friends, Katherine & Amy to join us. Once we were all assembled Katherine asked one of the sweet high school volunteers to snap our “proof” picture (I should say “my” proof picture) & then we headed towards the starting line. I’m looking at all the people & thinking, wow, I’m really here. I then saw some good friends of our family, Tim & Rebecca and chatted with them for a bit and next thing I knew they were starting the race.

I ran a little, not far but I ran. No I didn’t do much, but I NEVER run so once I was winded I told Penny to go on since she was nowhere near being winded. She was so sweet, she was no, I am staying with you. We knew that Katherine & Amy were going to run as they were trying to beat their times, etc. When people were passing us I started to feel bad that I couldn’t do what they were doing, but Penny kept talking to me about various things in our lives and it kept me from going super negative on myself. I kept telling her to go on since I KNEW I was holding her back, but each time she kept saying no, she wasn’t going to leave me behind. A sweet friend if you ask me!

As we finished in 53 minutes which I know is not very good compared with our runner friends that did it in 30 minutes or less it made me proud of myself ~ not about the time it took me finish, but that I DID it. I got out of my comfort zone again & did something that I just don’t do & I raised over $600 for a good cause. Now I will start doing the Couch to 5K training so I can actually feel good about running part of the way.

Afterwards, our group went to breakfast & enjoyed great conversation & laughs and plans for the next thing we want to do, not just exercise wise, but fun too!

If anyone reads this that has wondered if they could do a 5K, go around the track one time, go down the block once ~ you CAN do it, it may not be easy or fun, but once you are done & think about it you can smile to yourself & say I DID it!!!

Sam Robb Walk 2.9.13

Starting Over ~ Like it or not!

I will add to this section but I thought I’d give a brief introduction of myself.

My name is Cheryl Blazej and I am an ordinary person ~ have a family that I love, own a business that I started from scratch and friends that mean the world to me. In 2011 my life was going on very comfortably…..

Life Changes Quickly….

May 2011 was one that my husband Otis & I looked forward to, our  “baby” Christopher was graduating from high school and getting ready to leave home & hopefully play college football, business was going well. Life was better than normal!

Two days after high school graduation my husband & best friend died while taking a nap. We found him after he hadn’t come downstairs & shock happened. At that moment I felt a sadness for Otis, not being on this earth any longer, experiencing all that he loved and I knew it was the beginning of a VERY different life for me & Christopher.  I never thought I’d be alone at this point of my life, that Christopher would not have his dad anymore ~ I thought our life would go on unchanged, work, taking care of Christopher & do our normal fun things we had planned, like the trip to Hawaii we’d been discussing. Then “it” happened, real life smacked me in the face, nothing that I could change, I had NO control, what was happening???
